What is Crowdfunding?
Crowdfunding is a way for people, and charities to raise money. It works through pooling individual donations (large and small) to create a fund that supports a cause in the community. The ‘crowd’ in crowdfunding refers to the people, or organizations that provide the money.
Whether it is the Arts, the Environment, sport or social justice, we all have something we care about in our community. Unfortunately, with all the demands on our time and other resources, it can often be difficult to prioritize and support those things we care about. Crowdfunding can help. Through crowdfunding, we can support the causes we believe in without it costing us a great deal of time or money.
Much the same way SCF uses the power of pooled endowments to support community causes, crowdfunding allows individuals to make a difference where they live without a great deal of time or money.