Crowdfunded Grants

What is Crowdfunding?

Crowdfunding is a way for people, and charities to raise money. It works through pooling individual donations (large and small) to create a fund that supports a cause in the community. The ‘crowd’ in crowdfunding refers to the people, or organizations that provide the money.

Whether it is the Arts, the Environment, sport or social justice, we all have something we care about in our community. Unfortunately, with all the demands on our time and other resources, it can often be difficult to prioritize and support those things we care about. Crowdfunding can help. Through crowdfunding, we can support the causes we believe in without it costing us a great deal of time or money.

Much the same way SCF uses the power of pooled endowments to support community causes, crowdfunding allows individuals to make a difference where they live without a great deal of time or money.

What do you care about?

Through research conducted as part of our Vital Signs initiative, SCF has identified several key areas for funding support.

The donations directed to these endowments are pooled within SCF’s “Community Fund” and are earmarked for each of the areas they are intended to support. This way, all donations are immediately contributing to the overall growth of the SCF Endowment as well as providing the community benefit the donor intended.

Animal Welfare

Animal welfare means how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. An animal is in a good state of welfare if it is healthy, comfortable, well nourished, safe, able to express innate behaviour, and if it is not suffering from unpleasant states such as pain, fear, and distress. Good animal welfare requires disease prevention and veterinary treatment, appropriate shelter, management, nutrition, humane handling and humane slaughter.

Arts & Culture

Arts and Culture in the Shuswap is often a welcome surprise to visitors. The vast array of cultural opportunities includes public art, First Nations artists, live music events, live theatre productions, galleries, dance, and more. For a region of our population the cultural offerings exceed expectations.


Education is an integral part of building a successful community. Access to learning opportunities for all ages can have a profound impact on many other quality-of-life indicators, including: creating a sense of belonging, reducing crime rates, improving resident health (physical and mental) and building a strong regional economy. The Salmon Arm Campus of Okanagan College is a tremendous asset to the region, as it provides area residents with an “at home” option for reaching their full potential.


There is a link between the health of the natural environment and the overall health of a community. The Shuswap Lake watershed is the basis for the region’s natural ecology and ability to support human life. The region must continue to strive towards a balance between increased development and recreational pressures, and the conservation of Shuswap Lake.

Health & Wellness

Healthy living and access to public healthcare are vital partners in a well-functioning community. Good health and wellness are essential for any productive society to support happy and engaged citizens. The climate and natural environment throughout the Shuswap promotes numerous opportunities to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. There are several public healthcare access options available throughout the region.


Historical and heritage preservation is an endeavour that seeks to preserve, conserve and protect buildings, objects, landscapes or other artifacts of historical significance. This term refers specifically to the preservation of the built environment, and not to preservation of, for example, primeval forests or wilderness (Environment).


The Youth category refers to the services and activities designed for the care, protection, participation and rehabilitation of children and youth in difficult situations and ensure their social adjustment, total growth and development. This area gives special priority to bridging social and economic divisions by supporting young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to overcome the obstacles they face. Funds and granting in this area is meant to support and complement – not replace or contradict – the educational and socializing function of the family and formal schooling.

Social Equality

The well-being of residents depends on the level and distribution of income within the population. High income disparities are often associated with high unemployment but may also indicate that large numbers of people are in low paying jobs. If the gap persists, the social fabric of a community weakens as some residents struggle to afford basic requirements. The statistics show a gap does exist within the Region and will continue to grow unless our community finds ways to help those with the greatest needs.


Ageing involves physical, cognitive, social and familial losses and brings with it an increased incidence of disability and the need for assistance with activities of daily living. Promoting successful ageing is an important part of maintaining physical and mental wellbeing in the elderly.

Some issues that the elderly face include grief, bereavement, isolation (social & geographic), poor health status, inadequate social support networks, inadequate or conflicted social environment in their current living situation.

Projects for seniors can include, but are not limited to, housing, physical and mental wellbeing, access to rehabilitative services and equipment and connection to family and community.


The Community category encompasses, and is meant to support, myriad needs that may not be explicitly be addressed in other areas. Issues such as belonging and inclusion – initiatives that foster a sense of belonging – transportation, housing, work and safety projects can all fall under this broad category.

Brought to you by the 191 Community Foundations of Canada
Community Foundations of Canada