Emergency Response Grants

Emergency Response Grants

Critical-Need Assistance

Shuswap Community Foundation (SCF) Emergency Response Grants are intended to offer assistance on a one-time basis to charities & non-profit organizations located within the Shuswap region. These selective, modest grants are based on critical need.

Program Priorities

Emergency Response Grants assist charities/non-profits with short-term urgent funding need, for which no other resources are immediately available, created by an unforeseen event(s) that has or will significantly interrupt their essential services.


Requests may be submitted at any time by charities/not-for-profits located in and serving residents of the Shuswap.

Generally, Emergency Response Grants are intended to address:

  • an urgent and immediate need;
  • a need for which no other resources are immediately available;
  • an emergency situation; or
  • an unanticipated or one-time need.

Application Deadline

There are no deadlines for Emergency Response Grants. Requests can be made at any time.

Application Procedures

  • To initiate a request, an agency representative must contact SCF staff at 250.832.5428 or info@shuswapfoundation.ca, and provide an initial explanation of the emergency situation.
  • An invitation to apply will be made subject to the availability of funds.
  • The Board of Directors of Shuswap Community Foundation will determine nature and end date of a community emergency.

Review Process

Requests are reviewed by the Grants Adjudication Committee for approval on an as needed basis. Their recommendation is forwarded to the board of directors for ratification. If awarded, funds are disbursed one to two weeks from receipt of the application.

Reporting Requirements

All standard SCF reporting requirements apply.

Brought to you by the 191 Community Foundations of Canada
Community Foundations of Canada