Grant Seeker FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

Please use the drop down menus to explore the answers to many commonly asked questions. If you do not see the answer to your question, we encourage you to connect with us at 250.832.5428 or by writing to us at

Who is eligible to apply?

We consider grant applications from organizations that:

What does the Community Foundation fund?

SCF works every day to create a stronger, healthier Communities in the Shuswap, which means supporting initiatives in a broad range of fields: education, sports and fitness, arts and culture, healthcare, the environment – just to name a few. Our staff are always happy to discuss your project proposal and provide guidance for any application.

Can organizations apply for continued funding?

Shuswap Community cannot entertain requests for ongoing or multi-year funding at this point in time.

What is the range of grants?

We do not set a minimum or maximum amount for grant awards however, we are limited by the funds available to us (based on the rate of return on investments) and the number of successful applications received in any given grant cycle.

Is there a match requirement for funds received?

It is preferred, but not required that grants are matched by funding from other sources.

What activities typically do not receive funding?

We do not fund applications in support of the following:

  • An organization's usual operational or core expenses, such as heat, rent, or existing staff salaries. Projects can only include costs that are incremental to an organization’s existing operations;
  • Grants for individuals;
  • Fundraising campaigns;
  • Covering deficits, retiring debts or mortgage payments;
  • Providing for or establishing endowments;
  • Activities of religious organizations that serve primarily their membership and/or for direct religious purposes;
  • Political organizations or campaigns;
  • Lobbying legislators or influencing elections;
  • Improvements or additions to land or property which might revert to private ownership;
  • Travel costs;
  • Team or club sponsorships;
  • Projects that duplicate services provided by other organizations;
  • Special fundraising events/celebration functions;
  • Marketing endeavors and personal research, unless the marketing is directly connected to the program in your grant application;
  • Core operating expenses for public and private elementary and secondary schools and public and private colleges and universities;
  • Projects that are typically the funding responsibility of federal, provincial or local governments;
  • Scholarship programs; SCF holds several scholarships and bursaries that are available to students within the Shuswap area;
  • Programs that have already taken place or any type of retroactive funding requests (expenses which predate the current grant cycle).

Are new organizations eligible?

SCF is eager to consider funding new organizations for start-up or operating support. However, because we are interested in funding work that continues to address community needs long after the grant funds are depleted, these requests are reviewed carefully on a case-by-case basis and must make a convincing case that:

  • The condition the proposal addresses is significant and can be measured;
  • The applicant has the organizational ability to address the problem, can document an unmet need, is aware of other organizations that are working in the same area and is the best organization to do this work;
  • The organization and its program are likely to achieve the outcomes described in the proposal;
  • The organization has plans in place to ensure that its programs will continue to operate once grants funds are expended.

What criteria should applications emphasize?

We look for proposals that:

  • Have a program/project that will positively impact persons and/or communities within the Shuswap.
  • Develop competencies and skills enabling individuals to live fuller, more productive lives;
  • Address a significant need affecting the region's population or special populations;
  • Have the ability to leverage resources through other funding, in-kind donations, volunteers and partnerships;
  • Demonstrate their capacity to provide the necessary services using good administrative and financial management;

What if my project changes after I receive grant funding?

Occasionally, a project that has received approval for grant funding from Shuswap Community Foundation will need to be changed, deferred, or canceled. In cases such as these, SCF would like to provide the following guidance to our community partners.

Project Changes

Following the approval of a grant through SCF, if a change to the nature or scope of a project or program is necessary, these changes require SCF approval before being implemented. SCF has a “Change of Plan Application” that must be submitted prior to the project moving forward.

The Change of Plan Application will be forwarded to the Grant Committee chairperson and ultimately, will be reviewed by the Adjudication Committee. The Adjudication Committee will determine if the revised project can be funded. If not, the grant monies must be returned to the SCF.

Project Deferrals

For those projects or programs that will be delayed for a period of greater than one year from the date of the grant approval, a grantee shall:

  • immediately return any funds received to SCF, along with a written explanation as to why the program or project has been delayed
  • contact SCF in writing, describing the reason for the deferral or delay, if funds have not been received
  • provide an indication of whether the applying organization intends to reapply the following year. In such a case the SCF adjudication committee may decide to prioritize the renewed application in the following year.
Project Cancellations

In the case of an organization that has received a grant from SCF, and for whatever reason, is unable to carry out the project, all funds are to be returned to SCF immediately. Should any SCF funding have been spent, any dollars not returned need to be accounted for in detail.

Download the SCF Project Change Policy (PDF)

Brought to you by the 191 Community Foundations of Canada
Community Foundations of Canada